Community Inquiry

COMMUNITY INQUIRY (Context and Ecosystem)

Community Inquiry, Practice Inquiry and Developmental Inquiry groups for our Community of Practitioners

Hosted by Rebecca Stevens


During our recent conversations with several members from the community, we heard an overall aspiration to create a greater sense of a community feeling and belonging and to have more regular spaces available to meet and inquire together, beyond the traditional Harthill events. We also heard that many would like to play a greater role in contributing to these spaces and get closer to the core of Harthill. We know this will be an emergent process and at the same time, based on what we have heard and as part of moving towards the vision we are co-creating, we would like to offer a number of different inquiry groups next year and see where this takes us.


Community Inquiry - This inquiry group has been created in response to feedback from community members to provide greater opportunities to have more regular spaces available to meet and inquire together.


  • Members of the community are invited to bring an inquiry of interest or something they may be grappling with, for group inquiry
  • Examples may include ethical issues that are surfacing such as unintended consequences of our work or related to the framework and adult development more broadly; exploring where the future of the field is going; or how we land the framework in organisations where the context may be incongruent with the meaning making of the individuals we are working with 
  • We will also experiment with using different inquiry processes to test and learn together some of the ways we can approach inquiry groups both for this purpose and with our clients
  • We suspect that some inquiries may take on a life of their own and evolve into something beyond a one-off group inquiry


                                                           24 February 0800 -1000 UK   

24 March 1500 - 1700 UK                        28 April 0800 - 1000 UK

26 May 1500 - 1700 UK                            23 June 0800 - 1000 UK

22 September 1500 - 1700                      27 October 0800 - 1000 UK

24 November 1500 - 1700




To kick things off, we have a proposed topic for the first session on 27 January which will be led by Nicky Burton and Rebecca Stevens:

We (human beings) are currently facing a myriad of complex, global and far reaching issues that if not addressed, are likely to have long lasting and disruptive influences on our very being including: disparity of wealth and poverty both on our door step and more endemic in particular parts of the world; systemic racism, sexism and the impact of our unconscious bias to like those people like ourselves and not readily embrace diversity at an embedded, deep level; significant natural ecosystem challenges including climate change and biodiversity; and the rise of pandemics.

Given our own framework and that later stage meaning making has been shown to be more effective in navigating complexity and generating transformational change, what role might we play and what presence could we bring into the world to face into these challenges?

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