Community Inquiry

LDP Community Inquiry

Three times a year the community gathers online to engage in collaborative inquiry around a topic or area of interest brought to the community by members of the community. We welcome not only authorised users of the Leadership Development Profile but anyone who has an interest in adult development. The intent is to provide a regular co-created space for like-minded people to hang out together and deepen our individual and collective inquiry process on topics that feel important and of interest to us. You may come regularly, pop in sometimes or join us for a one-off topic that engages you.

Our next session will be Returning to roots: a collective inquiry into our Opportunist and Diplomat meaning-making hosted by Christina Lombardi-Somaschini and Karen Ellis on 31 January 8-10am (UK)

In this community inquiry, we are inviting you to explore two seemingly hidden yet powerful aspects of our meaning-making and being: the Opportunist and the Diplomat Action Logics. How often do we silently grimace at these stages when they pop up in us and others? When and how do they get triggered and start to 'have' us? Can we open to the invitations to gently discover how they show up within us, moment by moment, in the flow of our lives? What are ways of turning towards them?

Together, we will enter into this inquiry, not with the intention to solve or fix anything, but with a willingness to explore these aspects of ourselves. Through shared reflection and some felt-sense prompts from Karen and Christina, we will allow these inner qualities to reveal themselves naturally, without expectation or effort. We will also spend time honouring the presence and usefulness of these Action Logics within us - considering why they are vital aspects of development and key foundations for later stages.

This is not a pursuit of answers, but a space for deepening our awareness and trust in the unfolding of life. If you feel drawn to explore how the Opportunist and Diplomat move within you, this inquiry offers a chance to be in that exploration together—open to whatever arises, with curiosity and, who knows, maybe even delight.

We look forward to seeing you!

Date Time Title
31 January 0800 - 1000 Returning to roots: a collective inquiry into our Opportunist and Diplomat meaning-making
4 April 1500 - 1700
26 September 0800 - 1000
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