Community Inquiry



These are quarterly community gatherings where we engage in collaborative inquiry around a topic or area of interest brought to the community by members of the community. We welcome not only authorised users of the Leadership Development Profile but anyone who has an interest in adult development. The intent is to provide a regular co-created space for like-minded people to hang out together and deepen our individual and collective inquiry process on topics that feel important and of interest to us. You may come regularly, pop in sometimes or join us for a one-off topic that engages you.

Our next Community Inquiry will be on the topic: Liminality: what can we learn from its joys, strains and potentiality?

Hosted by Christopher Spriggs and Kim Gregory on 27 September, 0800-1000

We experience liminality everyday in the transitions between one thing and the next. Yet in adult development, there can be deeper, prolonged and challenging liminal experiences, especially at the thresholds of life-stage change, crisis and new growth.

Liminality is not a topic we can box-in or tick-off. Our intention is to explore how we experience it and name it, the ways it can disrupt our norms and limit our control, and how, by dancing with its topsy-turvyness, liminality might also be a portal into new understandings and ways of being in the world.

We hope you can join us.

Date Time Title
27 September 0800 - 1000 Liminality: what can we learn from its joys, strains and potentiality?
29 November 1500 - 1700
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