We received our 14,000th profile recently! It was from a participant attending our annual residential LDP Authorisation Training programme at the beautiful West Dean College of Arts and Conservation. Nickie has been considering the training ever since she profiled for a second time a couple of years ago. She found her own experience transformative for her role in healthcare leadership and now wishes to deepen her understanding to apply the Framework and Profile in her capacity as coach as well as the coaching conversations she has as part of her day-to-day leadership role.
Nickie was first profiled in 2019 as part of an organisational development programme through the NHS and appeared to have a primary Action Logic of Late Achiever. Now four years down the line, Nickie has just completed her 3rd profile. She has attested having taken on board the suggested practices to develop her own meaning-making, having first concentrated on her primary Action Logic and then progressed to working with her Leading-Edge Action Logic. Those practices, supported by changes in work roles and personal circumstances have enabled Nickie's primary Action Logic to expand to Early Strategist.
Having just attended the LDP Authorisation Training, she said, “The training really helped me to better understand the different ways people make sense of the world and how that informs the way people think, feel and then act. As well as learning about the different Action Logics, and how that could help with crafting developmental conversations with people, Ana, Ian and the other attendees created a space that was personally developmental.”
Welcome aboard Nickie and all of the West Dean cohort!
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