We humans are entrapped by many cognitive biases, one of which is confirmation bias.
When we take a position on something and we decide that we ‘know’, we become wedded to our perspective and allow only data that confirms that perspective into our consideration.
We then become blind to any disconfirming data because being wrong is not a comfortable place for us to be and we stop learning.
In these situations we need to open all of our senses and notice what is happening.
We can learn to appreciate that others notice different things to what we notice. We can then use this to recognise that we need to collaborate and share perspectives to deepen our understanding, reignite and accelerate our learning.
In short, we must first recognise the situation we are in. I suggest 4 things that might be useful:
1. We need practices that build capacity for wisdom.
2. We need patience to allow this process the time it needs.
3. We need courage to experiment in the direction of what we think is progress.
4. We need agility to withdraw from that direction of travel if it starts to seem wrong or indeed accelerate the process if it seems right.
What I believe is that we need to open all of our senses and notice what is happening. This is the reason Mindfulness practice is useful as it enhances our capacity for awareness.
We learn to appreciate that others notice different things to what we notice and we then need to collaborate and share perspectives to deepen our understanding and accelerate our learning.
That's why I love the Eric Hoffer quote: "In times of change learners inherit the earth; while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists."
"In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists"
Eric Hoffer
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