LDP Authorisation Programme

Harthill LDP Authorisation Training Programme

an inspiration to level up your coaching practice

The Leadership Development Framework (LDF) is a way to understand development across our lifespan. It describes and explains the major shifts that happen in how we make sense of our world and experiences through adult life.

The LDF is informed by developmental constructivist psychology, a field pioneered by Jane Loevinger in the 70s, further nourished by researchers like Susanne Cook-Greuter, Robert Kegan, Bill Torbert, and made accessible to leaders, organisations and coaches by David Rooke and colleagues at Harthill. By introducing the construct of ‘ego’ as our internal storyteller, the mastermind in charge of our feelings, thoughts, and actions, they put our meaning making faculty in focus. It is our meaning making that structures our experience, whether internal or external in origin. The LDF presents nine distinct forms of meaning-making - Action Logics - on a continuous spectrum. We make meaning differently in various parts of this continuum. Each form of meaning-making comes with specific opportunities and dilemmas relating to self, others and the world, which translate into perspectives, intentions and actions.

Through the LDF we see that we develop as our meaning making evolves to higher complexity and smoother integration of our experience. This in turn leads to timely learning and effective action in whatever context we find ourselves.

Programme Brochure

This programme is for anyone who plays an active part in the development of others, including HR staff, internal or external consultants, change agents, recruiters and leaders. Your coaching and consultancy skills will be extended to include this adult developmental model as the programme provides you with understanding of adult constructivist development principles and how to apply these practically. This enables you to conduct an insightful LDP Coaching Debrief - our own empirically-proven genre of developmental conversation, informed by the client’s profile of Action Logics.

In the course of the programme, we will:


  • Introduce you to our philosophy of human development, with meaning making as a vehicle of Developmental Inquiry
  • Explore the principles of the LDF as a powerful framework for evolving the core developmental capability - the ability to skilfully work with meaning-making
  • Learn to discern the client's meaning making - expressed through their LDP form and the LDP profile graph (set of their Action Logics) - analyse their implications and pull together a solid developmental hypothesis that informs the debrief
  • Explore the structure of the LDP debrief and practice debriefing clients at various Primary Action Logics, testing your hypotheses - in peer trios and buddy pairs
  • Explore the uses and ethical considerations of the framework applied in team/organisational contexts
  • Look into matters of validity and reliability of the LDF/LDP - this might help you reassure some of your clients and provide additional insights to you

You will understand better your own developmental frame and how it impacts your work with others. You will reflect on how this powerful framework might interplay with your other models and paradigms in use - how they might reinforce (or interfere with!) one another - and how you can skillfully combine them in service to your client.

As an LDP-authorised consultant you can commission LDP Reports and conduct LDP Coaching Debriefs with individuals, teams and organisations.

In order to be authorised to use Harthill’s LDP, you must: 

  • successfully attend the LDP Authorisation Training Programme
  • conduct two independent LDP debriefs within four-six months of attending the programme (the first two profiles and a support call for each is included in the fee)


The programme is available in two alternatives:

  1. A three-day face-to-face intensive (residential) - in a beautiful environment conducive to learning and development. In this case, we also use evenings and creative breaks needed for good learning.
  2. A great learning alternative is a five-module (four hours each) online programme - with one week in between, where peer practice groups work independently, with some guidance from the facilitators. In this case, pre- and post-programme webinars (1.5 hour each) are included in the programme. 

With both of these alternatives, a set of documents will be given for pre-reading. This preparation is essential and will make your programme experience more natural and easier. Also, with whichever format you choose, your first step is our LDF Foundations - a self-paced course on the Harthill learning ecosystem (built on SanaLabs learning platform). Your experience is gently powered by AI which helps tailor-make your learning path by keeping track of your individual progress.

All programmes include:

  • Your own LDP Profile and 1:1 Coaching Debrief (before the programme) with our most experienced consultants
  • Materials in advance and step-by-step
  • Two follow on practice Profiles to help you make the transition into practice - we provide full support with this

2025 dates

Residential programme

West Dean College of Art and Conservation, West Sussex

16 - 18 June

Autumn online programme

Welcome webinar: 21 October 0800 - 1000 (all times in UK time)

Workshops: 4, 11, 18, 25 November and 2 December 0800 - 1200

Closing webinar: 20 January 0800 - 1000

Programme delivered in English - please contact us for details of the Russian, Italian and Spanish language programmes.

2025 fees

Residential Programme Online Programme
Private sector including multi-person consultancies £3175 £2575
Publicly funded organisations £2750 £2150
Independent consultants and charities £2395 £1795
All prices exclusive of VAT
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