Being Meaning-Makers

Being Meaning-Makers: the embodiment of development

hosted by Karen Ellis and Christina Lombardi-Somaschini

What does it mean to be a meaning Maker rather than a meaning Taker? 

How do we humans link our internal experience, our intersubjective realities and our ‘felt senses’ with our language mind? 


What happens where we’re in a developmental snag and we find ourselves bungee’d into our very early Action Logics?

How can we develop our own personal practices for building the bridge between our sensory-motor embodied realities and our ability to communicate in words so that we can co-create new worlds of meaning? 

And, importantly, how can we as coaches and meaning-making consultants build our own self-supervision process that allows to notice and use our whole bodymind in service to our clients and our work.

Well, sadly this workshop won’t provide ALL the answers to the above questions but we will give it a jolly good starter-for-10! 

Some things we will talk about:

  • Sensory channels and how they inform non-verbal meaning 
  • The predictive-processing model of cognition 
  • Use of the ‘felt sense’ in meaning making to support personal change and Thinking-At-The-Edge 

Some things we will do:

  • Share some embodiment experiences that help us understand complex meaning making concepts
  • Play with our own sensory channels to find ways of self-regulating and opening to new experiences
  • Explore a ‘felt sense’ using Focussing to create new meanings and find a ‘shift’.

And probably a bunch of other things that we haven’t thought of yet but which will come up on the day!

DATES: 31 March and 7 April, 2-5pm

COST: £225 (+VAT where applicable)

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