Developmental Inquiry Coaching

Developmental Inquiry Coaching

McGuire & Rhodes

"Organisations have grown skilled at developing individual leader competencies, but have mostly ignored the challenge of transforming their leaders' mind-sets from one level to the next. Today’s horizontal development within a mind-set must give way to the vertical development of bigger minds. "


Harthill's Developmental Inquiry Coaching is at the very heart of how we work with clients who want organisational transformation or to develop a really impactful leadership programme. Our coaches know how to support and expand the development of individuals who are each on their own pathway, developing their capacities and capabilities for transforming the business and culture.

As Frederic Laloux says, in Reinventing Organizations, "Another way to avoid attaching judgement to stages [of development] is to recognize that each stage is well adapted to certain contexts". This highlights the importance of leaders across the organisation being able to be on their individual paths of development, seeing both the limitations of a current Action Logic, as well as the opportunity presented by later stage meaning making. Working with individual Coaches may support and provoke more momentum on that developmental pathway, whilst the organisation continues on its core programme.

Coaching Individuals & Leaders

Harthill’s approach to executive coaching is unique – it is deliberately developmental and transformative. Our high quality leadership coaching, when within or outside the scope of larger interventions, can advance the developmental agenda more rapidly, in the absence of other systemic work. We focus on supporting the more fundamental development that leaders need, in order to deal with the complexity now facing us.

Working with the
individual presenting issues and context, as does traditional performance coaching, Harthill's coaches go beyond the performance and results focused approach. We use the leaders' business challenges to work on transforming their key recurring patterns, by working at the level of the individuals' meaning making. In enabling the development of the leaders' Action Logics, we can support a longer term, more profound shift, transforming their capacity to lead in complexity and enable transformation of the organisation itself.

Albert Einstein

"A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels.  You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew."

Unique Harthill Approach

Harthill Coaches all work with 5 core elements of our unique approach -

The Leadership Development Profile

All our coaches are Authorised to use the LDP, the most widely used ‘meaning making’ psychometric globally. This provides a reliable map of the Action Logics and key insights into a leader’s capacity to enable transformational change.

3 Meaning Making Capacities

Three core capacities underpin a leader’s Action Logics -

 Self-Experiencing, Perspective Flexing and Complexity Processing

Each is deliberately developed according to the context, interests, needs and unique developmental edge of each leader. 

6 Transformational Capabilities

Having profiled over 11,000 leaders across the world using the LDP, our research points to six transformational leadership capabilities. Again, each can be deliberately developed according to a leader’s interests, needs and unique developmental edge.

Developmental Inquiry

This profoundly different developmental approach is a practical way for leaders to intentionally develop their meaning-making in their day to day leadership and life. Developmental Inquiry is the frame through which immediate needs, recurring patterns, deeper reflections and transformative conversation are explored and resolved. All our coaches are experienced guides in this process.

Deliberately Developmental Practices

With an emphasis on active experimentation, our approach is highly practical and delivers tangible systemic change. Uniquely crafted with their coach, DDPs become the vehicle for leaders to develop the capabilities and capacities both to deal more effectively with the presenting performance challenges, as well as to lead in complexity and enable transformational change. 

 Chaskalson & McMordie 

"Rather than just adding software into a leader’s existing ‘operating system’,vertical development is an inside out transformation that upgrades the operating system itself. As we upgrade, or mature, vertically we expand our capacity for understanding ourselves and our experiences – we see the world with different eyes."

Harthill's Coaches also bring a broad spread of other relational underpinning psychological coaching practices and models, such as -


Harthill has refined a specific vertical developmental approach to working with teams and continues inquiring into and building this body of work.

There is a strong element of considering the Action Logics that are most present in the team system and working with that collective intelligence. However, team Developmental Inquiry is more than just profiling the individuals and aggregating a collective profile with a shared set of individual developmental activities. There are many aspects to be carefully balanced so that everyone in the team constellation is valued and developed equally and differently, that their individual development is supported by the team activities. So, there is a blend of developmental activities that make sense to the whole.

Team Developmental Inquiry

Harthill's vertical Team Developmental Inquiry will bring huge benefits over time -

  • developed and growing sense of shared identity and a unifying purpose with a clear sense of inclusivity
  • systemic embracing of complexity, ambiguity, unpredictability and paradox
  • ability to surface and nurture talents much more broadly and flexibly
  • applying talented "teaming" to emerging situations
  • inclusive practices developed within teams for its own members and beyond
  • enabling of Agile practices and other approaches to organisational effectiveness

Harthill Team Coaching


Team Developmental Inquiry actively supports the work of the team, the development of its members and the success of the organisation more widely. There are several aspects to this -

  • team identity and life cycle, which will be different from and in synch with the developmental cycle of individuals
  • psychological safety and its impact on developmental practices and purpose
  • working with emergent relational dynamics and learning to dance with them
  • mapping the Action Logics of its members playing out in the dance of "teaming"
  • individual profiles in the team fitting within the whole - working with ego needs
  • how status and power show up and are relevant in the hierarchies of the system
  • how this maps with Agile and other approaches to organisational process
  • exploring diversity and inclusion - impact on team development and organisational contribution
  • forming a developing ecosystem and how this is organically absorbed into the larger system as the team re-shapes

Active 'Teaming' 

Harthill sees teaming as a vital activity that happens within systems, where individuals gather and form around particular elements of the purpose of the organisation. There is an ebb and flow to this, - a kind of forming and re-forming. The developmental work must serve that flow, as well as the development of the Action Logics of the individuals. In this way, the development of all - the team, the individuals and the organisational purpose - are in alignment.


Harthill works with teams in Inquiry-based Experimentation, exploring and developing narratives, supporting developmental activities, developing the capacities and capabilities that support the organisation.

Our Team coaches will facilitate the whole team process and development, dealing with systemic blocks, such as protocols and processes, that get in the way, embracing collective sensemaking and managing the myriad complexities and polarities that are present - and shift - in the system.


Harthill has refined a specific vertical developmental approach to working with teams and continues inquiring into and building this body of work. Team Developmental Inquiry is more than just profiling the individuals and aggregating a collective profile with a shared set of individual developmental activities. There are many aspects to be carefully balanced so that everyone in the team constellation is valued equally and differently, his or her individual development is supported by the team activities, there is a blend of developmental activities that make sense to the whole.

Harthill's vertical Team Developmental Inquiry will bring huge benefits over time -

  • developed and growing sense of shared identity and a unifying purpose with a clear sense of inclusivity
  • systemic embracing of complexity, ambiguity, unpredictability and paradox
  • ability to surface and nurture talents much more broadly and flexibly
  • applying talented "teaming" to emerging situations
  • inclusive practices developed within teams for its own members and beyond
  • enabling of Agile practices and other approaches to organisational effectiveness


Aspects of Team Developmental Inquiry

  • team identity and life cycle, created around its work, which will be different from and in synch with the developmental cycle of individuals
  • collective sensemaking, managing complexities and polarities
  • psychological safety and its impact on developmental practices and purpose
  • working with emergent relational dynamics and learning to dance with them
  • dealing with systemic blocks, such as policies and processes that get in the way
  • exploring prevailing Action Logics, the earliest and latest, team "centre of gravity"
  • and the Action Logics of its members playing out in the dance of "teaming"
  • individual profiles in the team fitting within the whole - working with ego needs
  • how status and power show up and are relevant in the hierarchies of the system
  • how this maps with Agile and other approaches to organisational process
  • exploring diversity and inclusion - impact on team development and organisational contribution
  • forming a developing ecosystem and how this is organically absorbed into the larger system as the team re-shapes
  • dealing with post-conventional members and their contributions usefully

Active 'Teaming' 

Harthill sees teaming as a vital activity that happens within systems, where individuals gather and form around particular elements of the purpose of the organisation. There is an ebb and flow to this, a forming and re-forming. The developmental work must serve that flow, as well as the development of the Action Logics of the individuals. In this way, the development of all - the team, the individuals and the organisational purpose - are in alignment.


Harthill works with teams in Inquiry-based Experimentation, exploring and developing narratives, supporting developmental activities, developing the capacities and capabilities that support the organisation.

Simon Cavicchia & Maria Gilbert

"The supervisor attunes to the information contained in the ways in which the supervisee embodies and presents the narrative of their client work."


Harthill has a growing community of Coaches. As part of our commitment to our coaches, to our community and to clients with internal coaching communities, we also have been researching and creating Developmental Inquiry Supervision. Supervision is key to the ongoing development of every Coach, focusing on their developmental practices, their ethical considerations and sometimes also supporting the expansion of their knowledge and skills.

The complexity of the many and varied choices facing coaches in complex organisational systems needs to be met with a matching level of development in their own compexity of thinking. This is embodied in the work of the coach in the system. It is important for supervision to support coaches fully in their work with clients, in order to be supporting a truly healthy ecosystem.

Harthill also recognises that some communities of internal coaches would benefit from access to this deeper level of Developmental Inquiry Supervision, so is committed to making this available to some client organisations. We see a role for us also to provide supervision in the coaching market that is responsive to a more complex world and to coaches needing to support clients in that complexity. In providing supervision that includes deliberately developmental practices for coaches, we hope to support an even broader population of leaders in their capacity to lead in complexity.

Eigel & Kuhnert

"The future of our organisations depends on successfully identifying and developing all leaders to higher [developmental] levels – to a place of greater authenticity – so that they can respond effectively to the increasingly complex demands of our times."

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