LDF Authorisation Intensive

The LDF Authorisation Intensive

- using the LDF in transformative work with leaders

About the Leadership Development Framework
In essence, the LDF is a way to understand development across our lifespan. It describes and explains, in an accessible way, the major shifts that happen in how we make sense of our world and experiences - through adult life. The LDF model presents nine distinct forms of this "meaning making" - the 9 Action Logics - on a continuous developmental spectrum. We make meaning differently in various parts of this continuum. Each form of meaning-making comes with specific opportunities and dilemmas of relating to self, others and the world, which translate into perspectives, intentions and actions.     


The LDF focuses in on this fundamental concept of meaning-making, which internally acts like our ‘Interpreter’ and internal ‘Storyteller’ of everything that happens. Everything we do in every context, is shaped by the meaning we are making in each moment - we interpret and tell ourselves a story about events. Our shifting landscape also shapes our meaning-making patterns, so as things change in our external world, this challenges our current meaning-making. Development can therefore be seen as the evolution of our meaning-making - its effects can be seen in ever expanding experiencing, thinking, relating and acting.


Paying specific attention to the developmental process and working intentionally to shift the Action Logics is therefore transformative, which is what makes this such a powerful framework for working with leaders.



This programme is for anyone who plays an active part in the development of others, including HR staff, internal or external consultants, change agents, recruiters and leaders. Participants will experience a rich fusion of personal and professional development, so that their coaching and consultancy skills will be extended to include this adult developmental model.


As an LDF-Authorised consultant you can commission and debrief LDF Profiles with individuals, teams and organisations. The training provides you with some understanding of adult constructivist development principles, how to apply these practically and this enables you to conduct insightful LDF Coaching Debriefs.


Participants will -

  • develop an understanding of core principles of the LDF as a powerful framework for developing others
  • learn how to work with the LDP form and the Profile with individuals and teams
  • work collaboratively with others in exploring the uses and ethical considerations of this framework
  • receive follow-on support in conducting LDF debriefs
  • understand better their own developmental ‘frame’ and how it impacts the work with others


Authorisation criteria 
In order to be authorised to use Harthill’s LDP individuals must:

  • successfully attend The LDF Authorisation Training Intensive
  • conduct two LDP debriefs within four months of attending the programme (the first two profiles are included)



For all online programmes, there is a requirement for a good broadband connection, use of a PC/laptop, and Zoom software (zoom.us)

Online LDF Authorisation in Russian (more)

Facilitators - Anastasia Nekrasova and Ekaterina Novisova


6, 13, 20 and 27 April

COST Contact Ekaterina for more details and to book

May online programme

Facilitators - Anastasia Nekrasova and Nial O'Reilly


18 May Pre-course webinar - 1500 - 1700 UK

25 May and 8, 15, 22 June - 1500 - 2000 UK

Follow up Webinar 6 July - 1500 - 1700 UK

COST From £1500

Autumn online programme

COST:  From £1500 - Contact Lynn for more details and to book

DATES AND TIMES:           

28 Sep, 5, 12, 19 October - 1000 - 1500 UK

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