"Reorganisation to me is moving boxes around. Transformation means fundamentally changing the way the organisation thinks, the way it responds, the way it leads."
Harthill has been working with leaders for more than twenty years. We have been keen observers of the marked differences in the effectiveness of leaders. Mckinsey's research confirms that the difference between average and top performing leaders becomes radically amplified as the challenge becomes more complex. Exceptional leaders in even moderately complex environments outperform their average peers by 225% Harvard Business Review Journal of Applied Psychology. McKinsey & Co
We have witnessed that leaders feel overwhelmed by the
relentless volume and complexity of their work, compounded by the relentless bombardment of data - from multiple, often conflicting, sources. Organisations are challenged both to
survive crises like a global pandemic and create a sustainable path into an unpredictable future. Unsurprisingly, they are desperate for leaders who are agile, flexible, emotionally intelligent and comfortable with
paradox, ambiguity and uncertainty. There is a growing body of evidence and research showing how leadership teams need more than the traditional learning, executive coaching and leadership programmes to lead organisations effectively in todays'
complex, adaptive world.
Founder of Harthill Consulting
"In order to deal with complexity, we need to be generating internally layers of meaning, layers of internal complexity that respond to external complexity. The more challenging question of what might constrain me rather than what enables me, is not usually where we want to focus attention - but it is a potent force.
The interesting thing about human beings is that they have this immense capacity for development."
The impact of vertical leadership development on this landscape has been considerable, demonstrated in the improved success of organisations where leaders have embraced deeper development, becoming more aware of their own underlying transformational intelligence, then working to develop key transformational capabilities to stretch their own effectiveness. The key research on which this is founded, shows clearly that adults evolve through predictable developmental states, mapped as Action Logics, which mark shifts in ever more complex meaning making.
Developmental Leaderleap Consultancy
Harthill brings this LDF approach to its client work through vertically informed Developmental Leadership Consultancy and its unique Developmental Inquiry Coaching, as well as a Team Developmental Inquiry process to generate sustainable organisational transformation. We feed client leaders by working with them to develop their strategic and systemic capabilities and use developmental inquiry to fuel transformation. Each of our engagements is designed to serve - and disrupt - the unique context of the organisation and its human systems, to deliver lasting impact.
Working with Leaders
Harthill works with leaders and teams, provoking deep and open curiosity, so they inquire rigorously into their own leadership, systems and patterns, triggering processes that expand their capacities and develop capabilities, to better respond to the emerging demands of tomorrow. Our Leadership Programmes are based on our core, well-researched principles and co-created with our clients through strong partnership, delivering a relevant programme which ensures effective leadership development addressing their specific needs. Harthill’s recent programmes with Fujitsu, Department of International Trade and Danone illustrate this.
Harthill's core concepts include -
Self-Experiencing, Perspective Adeptness and Complexity Processing capacities
"The quality of your attention determines the quality of other people's thinking"
At the heart of our work in leadership are four essential areas of mastery for leaders -
Each is inter-linked and creates challenges and opportunities for real development. Each programme is co-created with you and requires patience and determination, presence in the work and courage to challenge some old habits of thinking and acting - the reward will be real, sustainable transformation and growth.
Culture is the strategy
Harthill does not work solely with the leaders - with the leadership community, it supports the development and sustaining of a culture that is more agile, alert, reflective and relevant to modern markets and the global economy. With leaders, we aim to co-create ways of working and connecting that will forever transform your business models, your processes and practices so that they provide the kind of workplace, workstreams and teams that will keep your organisation thriving and resilient to whatever may change in future. This will be a programme that truly can reach into every corner, that is self-authored and constantly updating itself.
The vertically informed approach means that gradually, all your people can be included in a development process both individually and collectively, that will be meaningful and profound - a shifting of collective, transformative intelligence. With this shift in thinking comes a greater sense of shared responsibility, of self-determination and of working to a common purpose that benefits all in the ecosystem. In this way, we expect that the work will gradually change everything.
Leaders will steward, curate and support that journey, whatever paths may be chosen, whatever may be encountered. They will be enabled to do this by courageous use of power, conscious awareness of the impact on the system and a felt sense of compassion and connection with people and their world.
Developmental Inquiry Coaching
Harthill provides highly experienced leadership coaches who are further trained in the latest vertical development thinking and approaches. Read more here
Harthill has also developed a vertical developmental approach to working with and coaching teams, a vital part of how organisations need to engage together in creating sustainable, developmental change.
Read more here
Our Framework - the LDF
Organisation and Leadership Consultancy
Developmental Inquiry Coaching
Our Developmental Events
Exploring the Adult Development Field
Our Wisdom Council
Our Story Chest
Harthill is a trading name of Harthill Consulting Limited. Company Registration No. 4437525. VAT No. 801 1597 58