This training provides you with an understanding of adult constructivist developmental principles, how to apply these practically and this enables you to conduct insightful LDP Coaching Debriefs.
As an LDP Authorised Consultant, you can commission and debrief LDF Profiles and join our thriving Community of practitioners to enjoy many more developmental opportunities.
Programmes start on: 19 June and 17 October
TIME: Various
COST: From £1650
Every quarter we host a free two-hour online inquiry session on a variety of topics for the LDP Community
Quarterly, starting 29 September
TIME: 1500 - 1700
Small self-and-practice transformational supervision groups with an emergent, flexible and generative approach
Next group starts in May
TIME: To be arranged by Members
Learn how to design and deliver a vertically informed leadership development program, combining horizontal development (skills, knowledge competencies) with vertical development (mindset capabilities)
DATES: starts 14 June
COST: from £2100
A two-part webinar with Simon Cavicchia exploring tensions which can arise as a result of our “systems of development” and how to navigate these in ourselves and with clients.
DATES: 16 and 23 June
Time: 0900 - 1300
COST: £280
A foundational introduction to Vertically Developmental Coaching
Next programme starts in September
COST: £250
Harnessing principles and practices from Gestalt Psychology to support Vertical Development
DATES: 19 September
TIME: 0900 - 1300
COST: £140
The practice of inquiry is well established as a methodology for supporting vertical development in ourselves and others
DATES: 24 October
TIME: 1300 - 1700
COST: £140
Deepening your developmental practice with the Harthill LDP
DATES: New dates coming soon
COST: £560
Home of Leadership Development Framework
Facilitating the development of
people, teams and organisations
Harthill Consulting Limited
Company Registration No. 4437525
VAT No. 801 1597 58
Harthill Partnerships Limited
Company Registration No. 13292164
VAT No. 377 336 174