Anastasia Nekrasova

Anastasia Nekrasova

Anastasia Nekrasova
MSc pedagogics and linguistics


"Authenticity and Precision are my dear friends, the two needles of my compass as I go about life. To remain authentic, I try to be honest with myself and awake for whatever comes. Pursuit of precision pushes me to seek clarity of contexts and intentions, thoughts and actions, visions and leverage points. The two pretty much structure my engagement with life and, naturally, my professional practice".


MSc pedagogics and linguistics


Anastasia leads Harthill’s R&D work in its broadest sense – aiming to bring together academic research insights, practitioner wisdom, clients’ learning, and experimentation-based empirical findings. She leads Harthill LDP authorisation work and develops the LDP scorer capacity.


Anastasia works with developing capacity of individuals, institutions and systems, for managing in complex adaptive contexts. Her work is informed by the integral approaches and has a firm base in adult development psychology and systems thinking. She works as a strategy consultant, trainer, coach, facilitator and a learning designer – most often in the domains of business, education, and socio-political governance. Anastasia works in English, Swedish and Russian.

Anastasia’s professional experience encompasses the following working areas

  • Capacity development of business and public administration organisations
  • Experimental governance and leadership in complex adaptive systems
  • Internationalisation strategies and development with multinationals and national companies pursuing internationalisation strategies in foreign markets,
  • Cultural intelligence (CQ) and cross-cultural leadership: consulting with mergers&acquisitions, post-merger integration and other culture-sensitive processes, expatriate executive coaching and training.

Our Collaborators

Harthill seeks to attract those in the field with whom there is a "resonance", and we are proud to have many Collaborators who are aligning with us, sharing their experiences and contributing directly to our work

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