Our people work together without much hierarchy, we get stuff done differently.
We co-inquire, co-create, collaborate. This is also how we work with clients and with our much valued Community.
We self-organise around important themes that emerge in and of the field.
We hold our purpose to be vitally important and it informs how we invest our time and resources.
We also are constantly adding to the
Developmental Events,
which we offer to those both within the community who are authorised in the LDF, as well as including others who are interested. Some are created in partnership with others - such as Simon Cavicchia's Vertical Gestalt - for whom the vertical lens is just one part of their scope.
Explore the Events to see what might stimulate you.
Harthill chooses to work only with those who are committed to their own development.
Harthill has a connected, collaborative team of people who are committed to our purpose and to vertical development. We each have areas in which we primarily work. We also support our colleagues and actively contribute to development of the field.
Field Engineering
Consultant, executive coach for leadership development coaching, team coaching and business strategy development facilitation
Coaching Field
Developing inclusive, inquiry based leadership for agility, innovation and whole system transformation
LDF Conducting
Consultant, trainer, coach, facilitator and a learning designer of business, education, and socio-political governance
Developing inclusive, inquiry based leadership for agility, innovation and whole system transformation
Coaching field
Creating developmental inquiry based Coaching and Supervision relationships, with leaders, teams and coaches
Lynn is our LDF Manager, responsible for administering and developing all procedures underpinning the LDF, including the LDP Forms and Profiles. Lynn also supports the research and development being carried out by Harthill and designs and processes Harthill's tailor-made H.360° and ExTPF profiles.
Lynn is keen to hear from you if you would like to get yourself or others profiled using the LDP, or if you would like to be Authorised in the LDF.
Roanna is our Corporate Manager and is responsible for project co-ordination for key client programmes. She supports all of the Directors and lead consultants and assists with marketing.
Roanna is keen to hear from you if you would like to connect with Harthill or require information about our key client programmes..
Harthill has created and sustains a collaborative group of coaches, consultants and facilitators in a Community of Practice,
which supports our own transformation and the transformation in individuals, teams, organisations and society. Each person who completes the LDF Authorisation is included in the Community and enriches our work.
Orchestrated and choreographed by Rebecca Stevens, the Community is beginning to buzz with ideas, connectivity, sharing of experiences, co-inquiring into aspects of our work and the field. Harthill has created and curated a range of developmental Events which serve this purpose and some are also available to those outside the Community of LDF Authorised Practitioners.
Harthill has also launched a series of Collective Inquiry Groups - Community Inquiry, Developmental Inquiry, Practice Inquiry. We have also launched FrameChangers - like a book group for sharing and discussing any books, articles, videos or indeed any material that has shifted our frames of reference, triggered a new line of thinking or developmental idea.
Under the guidance of
Dr Stephen Duns, we have also initiated a
Thought Leadership
space, with a
Wisdom Council
providing guidance and oversight, a planned annual
Conference at which we will share new thinking, and a supportive group that will facilitate the research and studies that can lead to the publication of articles in our field.
Harthill seeks to attract those in the field with whom there is a "resonance", and we are proud to have many Collaborators who are aligning with us, sharing their experiences and contributing directly to our work.
Harthill is a trading name of Harthill Consulting Limited. Company Registration No. 4437525. VAT No. 801 1597 58