Monthly meetings hosted by Rebecca Stevens and LDF Community members
During our conversations with members from the LDF community, we heard an overall aspiration to create a greater sense of a community feeling and belonging and to have more regular spaces available to meet and inquire together, beyond the traditional Harthill events. We also heard that many would like to play a greater role in contributing to these spaces and get closer to the core of Harthill. Emerging from this we offer a free monthly Community Inquiry Group.
Insignificance and Grandiosity, 22 September
‘The Insignificance of Man is a congenial theme; my own insignificance is a sore point.’ Mason Cooley
Kieth Deats, Kim Gregory, Judith Underhill and Rebecca Stevens would like to invite you to September's inquiry to explore the polarity between insignificance and grandiosity; how this shows up in our own lives, in that of our clients and in the systems of which we are part of.
This inquiry has emerged from their breakout conversation at April’s session, which explored the impact of ecological thinking on our development as people and leaders around the key theme of competition and cooperation.
Their co-inquiry continued beyond the session and some of the questions this has raised are:
Gabor Mate talks to this polarity in his recently launched 7 Day Wisdom of Trauma Course: "Yet one more aspect of trauma is that you develop a shame-based view of yourself, so that fundamentally in trauma is a deep sense of one's unworthiness. That sense of one's unworthiness can show up in negative self-talk, as in, I'm useless, I'm worthless, I'm not worthy of survival even, or it can show up as absolute grandiosity."
Please come and join us on 22 September from 1500 - 1700 (UK time) when we are really looking forward to bringing this inquiry to our community.
“Children are born with imaginations in mint condition, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Then life corrects for grandiosity.”
Phyllis Theroux, The Journal Keeper: A Memoir
22 September 1500 - 1700
27 October 0800 - 1000
24 November 1500 - 1700
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