"In order to deal with complexity, we need to be generating internally layers of meaning, layers of internal complexity that respond to external complexity. The more challenging question of what might constrain me rather than what enables me, is not usually where we want to focus attention - but it is a potent force.
The interesting thing about human beings is that they have this immense capacity for development."
At the heart of Harthill is a community of people passionate about and experienced in developing people, intuitively, compassionately and vertically intelligently. This means that our work is infused with diverse learning and experience across many disciplines, as well as being firmly grounded in the science of Adult Vertical Development.
Harthill's unique model, the LDF, is globally established and is at the heart of our work with leaders, providing the framework within which we can work on developing their capacities for working with complexity.
Harvard Professor Robert Kegan and others assert and evidence how Vertical Development triggers a quantum increase in mental complexity, which in turn transforms a leader's ability to lead in these complex and unpredictable times. There are many resources on this site to explore this further. Do explore!
approaches its work in partnership with its community - clients, coaches, consultants, "competitors", others in the field - co-creating and innovating whatever the work requires.
Our work is grounded in the Leadership Development Framework, which describes meaning making through a system of Action Logics
Begin your Vertical Development journey with the Leadership Development Profile which gives a useful developmental map to developing your own unique meaning making
We have an experienced team of Leadership and Organisational Development Consultants
to enable the transformation in thinking, culture and working practices needed
We have a community of experienced Developmental Inquiry Coaches who support leaders, teams and organisations wishing to develop a greater capacity for complexity and innovation
We have specialists experienced in Team Development, to influence and develop capacity in the system more broadly and to embed systemic organisational learning
We offer Developmental Inquiry Supervision for coaches in our community and for internal coaches wishing to take their thinking to a new level of complexity with a vertical approach
We host and nurture a Community of practitioners in our field - anyone who has done the LDF Authorisation is automatically included in this rich and vibrant community
We are committed to further the learning, adding research and thought leadership to the field, sharing our stories, creating and curating content that help to expand the field
Harthill is a trading name of Harthill Consulting Limited. Company Registration No. 4437525. VAT No. 801 1597 58